Climate, Copernicus

Published on 6 February 2025 at 10:16

The average surface temperature was 13.23 degrees, 0.79 degrees above average.

January 2025 was the warmest January on record , with an average surface temperature of 13.23 degrees, 0.79 degrees above the average for the month in the reference period between 1991 and 2020, according to the EU weather service, Copernicus . January 2025 was 1.75 degrees above pre-industrial levels and was the 18th of the last 19 months in which the average surface temperature was 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. 


The situation in the world

 European temperatures were most above average for the period 1991-2020 in southern and eastern Europe, including western Russia. In contrast, they were below average in Iceland, the United Kingdom and Ireland, northern France and northern Fennoscandia. Outside Europe, temperatures were most above average in northeastern and northwestern Canada, Alaska and Siberia. They were also above average in southern South America, Africa and much of Australia and Antarctica. They were mostly below average in the United States and the easternmost regions of Russia, Chukotka and Kamchatka. The Arabian Peninsula and mainland southeast Asia also experienced below average temperatures.



"Record heat despite abnormally cold temperatures in the US"

 The European climate service Copernicus said the world warmed to another monthly heat record in January, despite the United States being hit by abnormally cold temperatures. “January 2025 is another surprising month, continuing the record temperatures observed over the past two years, despite the development of La Niña conditions in the tropical Pacific and their temporary cooling effect on global temperatures,” said Samantha Burgess, Strategic Lead for Climate at ECMW.


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